Ratings, patient outcomes, and contact information for their location in Salisbury, Maryland
SALISBURY, MD 21804 [Wicomico county]
(410) 546-4600
For profit
Brain disease or condition (non-traumatic)
Brain injury (traumatic)
Hip or femur fracture
Hip or knee replacement, amputation or other bone or joint condition
Nervous system disorder (excluding stroke)
Spinal cord disease or condition (non-traumatic)
Spinal cord injury (traumatic)
Less than 11
Lowest estimate for how common catheter infections are: 1.356
Highest estimate for how common catheter infections are: 6.132
How the facility compares to others: Worse than the National Benchmark
Days patients had a catheter: 2,089
Expected number of infections: 2.258
Actual number of infections: 7
Infection ratio compared to the national average: 3.100
Total number of patients: 1,763
Number of assessed patients: 1,763
Rate of patients assessed for functionality: 100.0
Adjusted score for patient self-care improvement: 13.1
Total number of patients: 1,548
Actual score for patient self-care improvement: 13.2
Adjusted score for patient mobility improvement: 35.4
Total number of patients: 1,550
Actual score for patient mobility improvement: 36.5
Total number of patients: 1,550
Number of patients self-caring as expected at discharge: 1,071
Rate of patients self-caring as expected at discharge: 69.1
Total number of patients: 1,550
Number of patients mobile as expected at discharge: 1,127
Rate of patients mobile as expected at discharge: 72.7
Total number of patients: 1,762
Number of falls with major injury: 3
Rate of falls with major injury: 0.2
Lowest estimate for how common Clostridium difficile infections are: 0.045
Highest estimate for how common Clostridium difficile infections are: 0.893
How the facility compares to others in infection control: Better than the National Benchmark
Days patients were at risk for infection: 23,185
Expected number of Clostridium difficile infections: 7.402
Actual number of Clostridium difficile infections: 2
Infection ratio compared to the national average: 0.270
Total number of healthcare workers: 337
Number of healthcare workers vaccinated against flu: 290
Rate of flu vaccination among healthcare workers: 86.1
How the facility compares to others in preventing readmissions: No Different than the National Rate
Rate of avoidable readmissions after leaving: 7.51
Number of avoidable readmissions after leaving: 134
Risk-adjusted rate of avoidable readmissions after leaving: 7.90
Lowest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 6.83
Highest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 9.04
Total number of patients: 1,784
How the facility compares to others in preventing readmissions: No Different than the National Rate
Rate of avoidable readmissions during the stay: 4.54
Number of avoidable readmissions during the stay: 90
Risk-adjusted rate of avoidable readmissions during the stay: 5.22
Lowest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 4.29
Highest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 6.30
Total number of patients: 1,983
How the facility compares to others in returning patients home or to the community: Better than the National Rate
Number of patients who went home or to the community: 1,179
Rate of patients going home or to the community: 70.51
Risk-adjusted rate of patients going home or to the community: 69.15
Lowest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 67.04
Highest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 71.06
Total number of patients: 1,672
Number of patient episodes evaluated: 2,005
Score for how much Medicare spends per patient: 0.96
Total number of patients: 1,763
Number of patients with reviewed medications: 1,731
Rate of medication review and follow-up care: 98.2
Adjusted rate of new or worsened pressure ulcers/injuries: 0.6
Total number of patients at risk: 1,759
Number of new or worsened pressure ulcers/injuries: 9
Rate of new or worsened pressure ulcers/injuries: 0.5