Rusk Rehabilitation Ctr

Ratings, patient outcomes, and contact information for their location in Columbia, Missouri

Patient Ratings
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COLUMBIA, MO 65203 [Boone county]

Phone Number:

(573) 817-2703

Ownership Type:

For profit

Medicare Certified on:


Conditions during the last survey period

Condition Treated
# of Times Treated

Brain disease or condition (non-traumatic)


Brain injury (traumatic)


Hip or femur fracture


Hip or knee replacement, amputation or other bone or joint condition


Nervous system disorder (excluding stroke)


Spinal cord disease or condition (non-traumatic)


Spinal cord injury (traumatic)




Patient outcomes at RUSK REHABILITATION CTR during the last survey period:

(compared to national levels and expectations)
Click to expand each topic and view patient results:
Infections from using a urinary catheter

Lowest estimate for how common catheter infections are: Not Available

Highest estimate for how common catheter infections are: 0.951

How the facility compares to others: Better than the National Benchmark

Days patients had a catheter: 1,545

Expected number of infections: 3.150

Actual number of infections: 0

Infection ratio compared to the national average: 0.000

How often patients were checked for their ability to do everyday activities and had goals set to improve it

Total number of patients: 567

Number of assessed patients: 567

Rate of patients assessed for functionality: 100.0

Improvement in patients taking care of themselves

Adjusted score for patient self-care improvement: 13.1

Total number of patients: 487

Actual score for patient self-care improvement: 12.4

Improvement in patients moving around

Adjusted score for patient mobility improvement: 35.4

Total number of patients: 487

Actual score for patient mobility improvement: 33.7

Patients who can take care of themselves as expected when they leave

Total number of patients: 487

Number of patients self-caring as expected at discharge: 362

Rate of patients self-caring as expected at discharge: 74.3

Patients who can move around as expected when they leave

Total number of patients: 487

Number of patients mobile as expected at discharge: 375

Rate of patients mobile as expected at discharge: 77.0

Patients who fall and get seriously hurt during their stay

Total number of patients: 567

Number of falls with major injury: 4

Rate of falls with major injury: 0.7

Infections caused by a tough-to-treat bacteria called Clostridium difficile

Lowest estimate for how common Clostridium difficile infections are: 0.047

Highest estimate for how common Clostridium difficile infections are: 0.920

How the facility compares to others in infection control: Better than the National Benchmark

Days patients were at risk for infection: 17,320

Expected number of Clostridium difficile infections: 7.181

Actual number of Clostridium difficile infections: 2

Infection ratio compared to the national average: 0.279

Healthcare workers who got a flu shot for the current season

Total number of healthcare workers: 310

Number of healthcare workers vaccinated against flu: 291

Rate of flu vaccination among healthcare workers: 93.9

Rate of avoidable hospital visits 30 days after leaving

How the facility compares to others in preventing readmissions: No Different than the National Rate

Rate of avoidable readmissions after leaving: 7.68

Number of avoidable readmissions after leaving: 43

Risk-adjusted rate of avoidable readmissions after leaving: 8.74

Lowest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 7.10

Highest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 10.66

Total number of patients: 560

Rate of avoidable hospital visits during the stay

How the facility compares to others in preventing readmissions: No Different than the National Rate

Rate of avoidable readmissions during the stay: 5.63

Number of avoidable readmissions during the stay: 35

Risk-adjusted rate of avoidable readmissions during the stay: 5.65

Lowest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 4.23

Highest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 7.11

Total number of patients: 622

Success rate of returning home or to the community from the hospital

How the facility compares to others in returning patients home or to the community: No Different than the National Rate

Number of patients who went home or to the community: 342

Rate of patients going home or to the community: 67.59

Risk-adjusted rate of patients going home or to the community: 68.39

Lowest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 64.30

Highest estimate of the risk-adjusted rate: 71.87

Total number of patients: 506

How much Medicare spends on a patient compared to others

Number of patient episodes evaluated: 594

Score for how much Medicare spends per patient: 0.92

Checking and following up on patients’ medications

Total number of patients: 567

Number of patients with reviewed medications: 565

Rate of medication review and follow-up care: 99.6

Patients who developed or worsened pressure ulcers/injuries

Adjusted rate of new or worsened pressure ulcers/injuries: 0.3

Total number of patients at risk: 567

Number of new or worsened pressure ulcers/injuries: 2

Rate of new or worsened pressure ulcers/injuries: 0.4

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