Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities [IRFs] in Arizona

There are 23 inpatient rehabilitation locations in Arizona and covered on our site.

Age Demographics for Arizona

Why this matters?
As a state's average age increases, so do the needs of the state in regards to skilled nursing facilities, inpatient rehabilitation facilities, durable medical equipment providers and anything to do with aging, in general. So we believe these values help to give a snapshot of what a state may need or soon need.
  1. Persons under 5 years, percent: 6.2%
  2. Persons under 18 years, percent: 23.6%
  3. Persons 65 years and over, percent: 17.7%
  4. Female persons, percent: 50.3%

Potential Care Challenges in Arizona

Why this matters?
Simply put, identifying and attempting to fix actual and potential shortcomings in care and care access leads to better outcomes for everyone, patients, caretakers, and family.
  1. Healthcare Access Quality: High access in urban areas with challenges in rural regions.
  2. Prevalent Health Conditions: Higher rates of diabetes and obesity compared to national averages.
  3. Health Insurance Coverage Rates: Increased coverage following healthcare reforms, yet disparities exist.
  4. Public Health Initiatives: Statewide campaigns on mental health awareness and vaccination drives.
  5. Environmental Health Concerns: Issues with air quality in major cities and water management in arid areas.
  6. Healthcare Workforce Availability: Good availability in metropolitan areas, with shortages in rural parts.

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